Syllabus Of Grade VII - SCIENCE (S07)


  • Separate marks are given with each section.
Unit Area Covered Marks
Unit 1 Understanding Motion 05 read more
Unit 2 Heat 05 read more
Unit 3 Wind and Storms 10 read more
Unit 4 Understanding Matter 10 read more
Unit 5 Acids and Bases 05 read more
Unit 6 Natural Fibres and Fabrics 05 read more
Unit 7 Nutrition in Plants 05 read more
Unit 8 Nutrition in Animals 05 read more
Unit 9 Exploring Light 05 read more
Unit 10 Electric Current and its Effects 05 read more
Unit 11 Changes in Everyday Life": Physical and Chemical Changes 05 read more
Unit 12 Water: 'The Universal Solvent' 10 read more
Unit 13 Soil: A Natural Resource 05 read more
Unit 14 Respiration in Organisms 10 read more
Unit 15 Transportation in Plants and Animals 10 read more
Unit 16 Reproduction in Plants 10 read more
Total Marks 100 Time: 3 Hours

Unit 1

Understanding Motion

  • Explore some time measuring devices used in earlier times. • Compare these devices to the ones used in present times.
  • Estimate time taken for different events.
  • Understand the term 'Motion' of an object.
  • Distinguish between 'uniform' and 'non-uniform' motion.
  • Name different kinds of motions such as linear motion, circular motion and oscillatory motions.
  • Explain the concept of speed of a body.
  • Calculate speed of a moving object using the mathematical relation between speed, distance and time.
  • State basic units of time and speed.
  • Explain the use of simple pendulum for measurement of time.
  • Represent given distance and time information as distance –time graph.
  • Explore different distance-time graphs to understand what kind of motion these represent.
  • Solve simple distance, time and speed numerical.

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Unit 2


  • Understand the concept that heat is a form of energy.
  • Understand the effects of heat.
  • Explore daily life applications of effects of heat.
  • Understand the need to measure the degree of hotness or coldness of an object.
  • Relate heat to temperature.
  • Differentiate between heat and temperature.
  • Use a thermometer for measurement of temperature.
  • Compare different types of thermometers.
  • Interconvert the various units of temperature.
  • Understand and explain the methods of transfer of heat in solids (conduction), liquids and gases (convection)
  • Study the formation of convection currents.
  • Understand the nature of heat radiations and behaviour of different colours to these radiations.
  • Apply the concepts of conduction, convection and radiation to daily life experiences and observations.

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Unit 3

Wind and Storms

  • Explain common weather changes occurring at different times.
  • Explain how weather is tracked.
  • Interpret weather charts and graphs.
  • Differentiate between weather and climate.
  • Explore how climate has an effect on some living organisms.
  • Investigate and perform activities to demonstrate the role of air in weather phenomena.
  • Explain the occurrence of wind currents.
  • Describe the formation of cyclones.
  • Recongnise precautions and safety during a cyclone.

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Unit 4

Understanding Matter

  • Explore the surroundings and make a list of 10 different kinds of materials that make up the common objects in the surroundings.
  • Classify these materials into pure substances and mixtures. • Differentiate between elements and compounds on the basis of the types of particles of which these are made.
  • Define the terms: an atom, an element, a compound and a molecule.
  • Identify materials commonly seen in the surrounding as elements and compounds.
  • Classify elements as metals and nonmetals.
  • Distinguish between compounds and mixtures.
  • Describe the structure of matter in terms of atoms and molecules.
  • Recognize that an atom is the basic building block of matter. • Comprehend the structure of an atom and its constituent parts.
  • Recognize that atoms are too small to be seen.
  • Write symbols of elements with atomic numbers 1 to 20.
  • Describe electron arrangements of elements with atomic numbers 1 to 20.
  • Draw electron arrangement of an atom in an element.
  • State the meaning of the term 'valence electrons'.
  • Determine the number of valence electrons from given electron arrangement of an atom.

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Unit 5

Acids and Bases

  • Give an operational definition of an acid and a base, using the characteristic properties of these substances
  • Perform activities to investigate the characteristics of acids and bases.
  • Name some acids and bases which are used in common household products.
  • Define and identify different types of indicators.
  • Differentiate between acids and bases on the basis of various properties exhibited by them.
  • Distinguish between natural and synthetic indicators.
  • Perform activities and experiments using indicators to classify solutions as acidic, neutral or alkaline and construct a pH scale.
  • Comprehend the meaning of pH scale.
  • Perform activities and experiments with the help of natural indicators extracted from red cabbage, turmeric, China rose, etc., to identify acids and bases.
  • Perform experiments by taking different soap solutions and indicators and study the resulting results.

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Unit 6

Natural Fibres and Fabrics

  • Understand the meaning of natural fibres.
  • Identify different types of natural fibres.
  • Classify natural fibres as animal and plant fibres along with their specific sources.
  • Recognize different types of fabrics made from different natural fibres. • Identify animals and plants from which we get fibres.
  • Describe the properties of fibres and apply this knowledge to types of clothes worn in different seasons in different places.
  • Understand various steps involved in making of different types of yarns namely cotton, jute, wool and silk.
  • Relate the term 'sericulture' as human effort to produce silk in large scale.
  • Identify different stages in the life cycle of silk moth to comprehend the fact that why some cocoons are allowed to undergo metamorphosis.

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Unit 7

Nutrition in Plants

  • Define the term 'nutrition'.
  • Differentiate between two types of nutrition.
  • Recognize the significance of autotrophs as producers.
  • List the conditions required for photosynthesis.
  • Recognise importance of photosynthesis laying stress on the importance of plants as a direct or indirect source of food.
  • Comprehend that plants possess stomata through which gaseous exchange takes place.
  • Explore the role of plants and animals in maintaining the balance in nature.
  • Carry out simple activity to explain the consequences of absence of photosynthesis and relating it to the interdependence in living organisms.
  • Justify the need of other modes of nutrition in plants apart from autotrophic mode.
  • List different modes of heterotrophic nutrition in plants.

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Unit 8

Nutrition in Animals

  • Understand the importance of food in different animals.
  • Comprehend on the statement, "Food in the body is yet not in the stomach".
  • Differentiate between nutrition in plants and animals.
  • Categorize/classify animals on the basis of their mode of nutrition.
  • Prepare an outline of various modes of intake of food.
  • List 10 commonly found animals; relate the type of food to the mode of taking it in.
  • Investigate and illustrate the journey of food in the alimentary canal.
  • Analyze that the utilization of food takes place only after it is digested into simple forms and absorbed by the body.
  • Describe the processes of digestion, Absorption, assimilation and release of energy.
  • Relate structure of Digestive System to its function(s).
  • Discuss the role of various organs of ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion.
  • Describe and interpret the difference in the digestive system of grass eating animals(herbivores).
  • Understand nutrition in other animals.

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Unit 9

Exploring Light

  • Recall that light travels in a straight line.
  • Perform simple experiments to show the reflection of light. • Investigate the relation between the angles of incidence and the angles of reflection.
  • State the laws of reflection and apply them to problems.
  • Classify between the two types of reflection.
  • Explore the characteristics of image formed in a plane mirror through experiments and then list them.
  • Identify the two types of spherical mirrors concave and convex.
  • Compare and contrast between image formed in a plane mirror and spherical mirrors. • Perform experiments to understand image formed by a concave mirror for object placed at different distances from it.
  • Differentiate between real and virtual image.
  • Recognise the use of spherical mirrors in different places.
  • Conclude that sunlight is composed of different colours.

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Unit 10

Electric Current and its Effects

  • Draw an electric circuit using appropriate symbols.
  • Understand and elaborate the heating effect of electric current.
  • Name and explain the working of simple devices which work on the heating effect of current.
  • Understand the working of an electric fuse and its importance in an electric circuit.
  • Understand and elaborate the magnetic effect of current.
  • Make an electromagnet and explain its use in our day to day life.
  • Explain the working of an electric bell.
  • Perform simple activities to understand related concepts.

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Unit 11

Changes in Everyday Life": Physical and Chemical Changes

  • Understand the concepts of a chemical change and a physical change.
  • Identify observable evidence of a physical change (e.g., change in shape, size, phase).
  • Identify observable evidence of a chemical change (e.g., color change, heat and/or light being given off or taken in by reactants, gas being given off, a change in odour).
  • Understand that mass is conserved during a physical and a chemical change.
  • Differentiate between a physical and chemical change.
  • Investigate the effects of chemical change on physical properties of a substance (e.g., cooking a raw egg, iron rusting, and polymerization of a resin).
  • Investigate and measure the effects of increasing or decreasing the amount of energy in a physical or chemical change and relate this energy added to the motion of the particles.
  • Identify kinds of energy (e.g., heat, light, sound) given off or taken in when a substance undergoes a chemical or physical change.
  • Explain the terms: crystallization, galvanization, rusting, fermentation, sublimation, etc., with examples.
  • Recognise the significance of chemical changes in everyday situations, [e.g., ripening fruit, setting superglue, cooking food, etc.
  • Perform an activity for preparation of copper sulphate crystals to understand physical change.
  • Study various chemical and physical changes with experiments such as burning of magnesium, heating of lead nitrate, heating of iodine, heating of ammonium chloride.
  • Perform simple activities to classify the type of change undergone by various materials i.e., breaking of chalk, heating of iron, rottening of eggs, etc

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Unit 12

Water: 'The Universal Solvent'

  • Recognize the importance of water for survival of life.
  • Appreciate the importance of water in food production and its avaibility.
  • Value water as an important renewable resource.
  • Define rate of percolation.
  • Recognize that there is a lot of water in the world but whole of it cannot be used for drinking or many other human activities.
  • Describe sources of water and its management.
  • Recognize that ground water is a very small percentage of the earth's water.
  • Understand how important it is to take care of existing ground water.
  • Distinguish between hard water and soft water.
  • Evaluate the use of commercial water softeners.
  • Consider and evaluate the environmental and social and economic aspects of water quality and hardness.
  • Perform an activity to compare the hardness of samples of water by shaking with soap solution.
  • Appreciate that water of correct quality is essential for life and science.
  • Explain the purpose of waste water treatment.
  • Identify and explain main physical, chemical and biological processes for water and waste water treatment.
  • Explain the main design criteria for water and waste water treatment processes.
  • Perform an activity related to waste water treatment.

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Unit 13

Soil: A Natural Resource

  • Describe why soil is an important dynamic natural resource. • Describe basic soil properties and soil formation factors.
  • Determine basic soil properties and limitations, such as mottling, permeability, by observing a soil pit.
  • Identify the types of soil erosion and suggest methods of reducing it.
  • List the various uses of soil.
  • Describe the composition of soil.
  • Recognize the types of soil: sandy, clayey, loamy, mixture of sand and loam.
  • Develop an understanding of the soil properties that affect soil health and soil quality.
  • Discuss how soil is a factor in, or is impacted by nonpoint source pollution.
  • Relate crop cultivation and type of soil.
  • Perform an activity to find out the moisture content of a sample soil.
  • Perform activities and experiments by taking samples of soil and predict suitable cultivation activities, i.e., for cultivation of rice, wheat, etc.

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Unit 14

Respiration in Organisms

  • Comprehend the need for exchange of gases in all living organisms.
  • Describe process of breathing and respiration.
  • Differentiate between breathing and respiration.
  • Relate types of respiration to the need of the organisms.
  • Examine utilization of oxygen for breaking down of assimilated food to release energy.
  • Identify various organs involved in inhalation and exhalation in human body.
  • Determine the role of diaphragm in breathing.
  • Restate breathing and respiration in animals living in different habitats.
  • Carry out simple activities related to breathing and respiration in living organisms.
  • Reason out that exchange of gases in living organisms depends on the process of respiration and photosynthesis (plants).

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Unit 15

Transportation in Plants and Animals

  • Recognize the need for movement as a characteristic of living organism.
  • Comprehend related terms such as Transportation, Movement, Locomotion, Circulation.
  • Justify the need for transportation in the living world.
  • Describe the process of transportation in plants.
  • Explain the process of transportation, diffusion and osmosis in plants.
  • Identify various parts involved in transportation in human body
  • Describe human circulatory system in a simple manner.
  • Understand the functioning of kidney: - As an excretory organ. - As a purifier of blood.
  • Relate structure and function of excretory organs.
  • Identify different types of excretory organs found in different animals.
  • Explore different mechanism of excretion in lower organisms.

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Unit 16

Reproduction in Plants

  • Define the importance of reproduction as a process of propagation of life.
  • Comprehend sexual and asexual modes of reproduction in plants.
  • Examine and illustrate vegetative propagation in Ginger, Onion and Bryophyllum.
  • Identify parts of a flower.
  • Compare self pollination and cross pollination.
  • Define fertilization and study how an embryo is formed from a zygote.
  • Illustrate the process of fruit formation.
  • Investigate the journey of seed formation.
  • Identify various agents of seed dispersal with specific examples

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